
we are like magnets

There is this unusual topic my co-workers and I have, and it's about the book "50 shades of Grey", but if I am more specific, we talk all the time about the male character Christian Grey.  Personally, as I go through every page I recall memories of my past, except for the control freak that he is and all the crazy things. 

I asked the girls: "Have you ever felt that chemistry when you are meeting a man? is just something electric that makes you want to be in that person's arms (even naked), instant passion..." Most of them answered yes, and for that it was super necessary to never see that man again to avoid temptation because they were in a relationship.

The thing is that I wanted to rely on someone and talk about that awesome feeling that is so hard to find, but the real fact is that finding that doesn't always mean that is the perfect match for you.  In my experience it haven't been good at all, and because that sick magnetism or likewise addiction, is very hard to let go.

Have you ever feel that?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

es innevitable sentirse así,, es difícil que te pase más de una vez en la vida,, sentir una atracción tan grande que nada dentro de ti pueda evitar sentirte tan atraido.. depende que tan apasionado seas,, si eres demasiado apasionado entonces... uno está condenado...

sin embargo,, que tanto puede saber la vida si uno no es tan apasionado!!

como siempre he dicho

cambiarlo todo por amor... esa es la tentación que nos da la vida...