
It's a Quentin

 I can help you to understand yourself. It is difficult to let your guard down right?

How do I know plenty about it? I was raised by a narcissist. 

(Thank you Dad)



 I thought I put this person to to sleep on a drawer, lock it with my memory key and that my process was completed. Somehow it keeps popping into my dreams randomly.

January 1st,  I woke up realizing I had a dream with Mrs. Penguin.  I was outside a house, on the driveway and she gets out the house with a folded blanket in her arms and she says "Finally! this is yours", like she was okay with returning it now.   I picked up the blanket that I let her borrow a long time ago (at least that is how it felt) and left after a hug.   Same day at night I saw something on FB that one of her daughters was celebrating with her,  I realized it was her Birthday. 

Next Day, I dream with Penguin Jr, like I could see you the body but the ghost couldn't see me. I sensed sadness, mourning a loss. 

And 3 weeks earlier I dreamt about being at my old grandma's house, the low ceilings, the dark room, the closet and a lot of family members, then all of the sudden it popped into my dream, no talking, Penguin Jr. couldn't see me, but I could see him standing there in between the family members that were listening to a grandma's story, but he looked lost, but I couldn't help, it was like a blurry video in black and white and then it disappear.

January 2nd, I wat taking a look my my Google photos looking for one in particular from my daughter, so just scrolling up and down for quite a bit, then I suddenly stopped at a picture,  baby Pily being held by one of our family members, that we haven't seen in a long time, one of the elders, I loved it, and I thought of sharing it to the family chat group but I let it go after staring at it with joy.  That uncle past away that night and I was not expecting it.

This other morning while I was washing the dishes I was watching Youtube too and this random girl  was talking about "The Red book", this is the first time I think I heard of it.  Then afterwards,  I sat down on the couch and started watching "My Other Self" on Netflix and the first scene I see is the leading Role "Ada" on her bed reading this same book.

No se siente diferente mi imaginación de  lo que si se hace realidad, es cómo si tuviera pequeños adelantos, pero no se sienten especiales.  Como la noche que se incendió el departamento de al lado del de mi padre y el de abajo... tuve varios avisos:

1. Escuché una canción muy ñoña que me pone de muy buen humor cuando quiero empezar algo (Fuego de Bomba Estéreo), pero esa dia detuve la canción porque sentía que iba a atraer bad vibes.

 2. Luego fui a dejar a mi papá a su depa esa tarde y mientras se bajaba del carro, vi al fondo mucho humo de un incendio que se veía muy detrás de Ícono y me impactó un poco.   

3. Como a las 9 de la noche estuve pensando en lo que debería de hacer en caso de un incendio, salida de emergencia, y me preocupé mucho por mi papi y pedí para que me lo cuidará mucho Diosito y los angelitos.

Como a las 11pm recibí la llamada de mi papá. Los bomberos le quebraron el vidrio y lo sacaron porque estaba dormidísimo y no escuchaba que le tocaban la puerta para que evacuara.   Gracias a Dios su departamento quedo intacto, pero si se incendiaron parcialmente 2 depas.

And so it is!