

Very Late Post: Zona de Confort o falta de bienestar (August 2022)

Mi personalidad es estática, rutinaria, me gusta hacer lo mismo sin sorpresas, disfruto estar en casa y crear mis listas de pendientes, y ponerme ansiosa por todo lo que no puedo controlar. ¿Qué tanto tengo que luchar contra mi naturaleza para validar que he triunfado or I have endured? Pasé unos dias de vacaciones y a mi regreso, el trabajo fue más insoportable, todos esos pendientes acumulados, problemas, una urgencia tras otra, confrontaciones... unos 4 dias después me contagié de Covid y me mandaron unos dias a trabajar de casa. Sentí esta enfermedad como una manifestación de mi mente y cuerpo para no regresar. Desde hace dos años aproximadamente, mi salud se ha deteriorado bastante, mis defensas siempre están muy bajas aunque sea fiel consumidora de los complejos multivitamínicos. desde la pandemia mi trabajo se volvió más incierto, estresante y quise salir corriendo pero me quedé, no por mi, si no para satisfacer las expectativas de alguien más. Si, me ascendieron, pero nuevamente dije que si porque era lo siguiente y no porque lo deseara y ahora me siento menos contenta y más harta. Creo que ya llegó el momento de cambiar y dejar esta tortura en el pasado. Estoy lista para hacerme feliz a mi y no a los demás.


Is the body talking.

Después de salir de bañarme, intenté limpiar el espejo empañado por el vapor, y noté en mi reflejo que tenía unas marquitas rojas en mi hombro.  Ese dia tuve alergias, algo normal, pero lo que me llamó la atención fue que parecían letras. 

¿Qué estaba viendo? ¿Mi cuerpo  pidiendo ayuda?  



Neuróticos No Anónimos

Los reconozco al instante, huelen distinto, caminan distitnto, nos reconocemos entre nosotros.

Hola, bienvenido al club de los neuróticos públicos, les quiero contar que hoy contrataron en mi trabajo a una persona con este problemita.  Mis compañeros confesaron que la primera interacción con nuestra nueva compañera fue exasperante. I had to help her to set up her accounts, it was a huge failure, I left almost in tears.

The thing is that I lived 28 years with a person like that, my Dad. I can't take it any more, as soon as I'm facing a human being of that kind, my body will reject him/her immediately: Like... get the ______ away from me!  I will not tolerate someone that will try to diminish me or raise their voice at me. I am okay with letting them think they are right and I am wrong, just for the sake of their ego if I can avoid a confrontation. 

Confrontation and me are not good friends, I would rather forgive when I'm angry at someone for something mean or wrong they did, even though the inner work is long and difficult.

I'm an adult and I've been that for so many years, but it up until now that I'm learning how  to deal with unhealthy situations and people. I know, I'm still the same sensitive cry baby, but even though I still cry for everything  I´m making my mark "My limits begin here."

I'm a neurotic myself, I transform while driving into an unrecognizable monster, that will persecute and fight back.  I've gotten into a lot of trouble for that, I've even went to therapy and they told me it is O.K. to get angry, so I stopped going because it didn't help much.  The road is my release, so if you see me driving I would probably have an unhappy face.

I'll let you know the outcome of the new hire.


Welcome back Mrs. 37 year old.

Finally I dared myself to come back! I am not so much me anymore, or what some day I was, I feel different and not in a bad way but nostalgic. Anyway... I've been immersed in work, work all the time, I live to work, to clean up and to run behind a toddler. But I would love to do more for myself once in a while, I'm almost 40 and still don't think I have found my spot in this world. 

I've been curious about my spiritual being, but there is always an excuse that is holding me back. Well, today I had a fun spiritual and very well appreciated experience: 

I've been trying to connect with my guardian angel, or angels again. They say that if you allow them too, they can offer help, it doesn't even matter how small, but you can put them to test. My Dad is over 80 now and he still has to walk 3 floors downstairs, so last week that I went to pick him up, I was waiting in the car, but it took him extremely long and I thought "He fell down for sure" but thankfully, that did not happen. So today, when I picked him up I requested support to the angels to help my dad get down safely, and as I saw him walking far in the halfway, this dog keeps walking behind my dad all the time, as if he was being escorted. This was the first time I have seen this dog, my dad did know him but I've never saw it walking along. The dog even escorted him to my car's door and circled around the car and peacefully left. It was like a way to show me their presence was there. It was cute and sweet! 

Hey Angels, if you read this, please give me clear signs x 3 about the questions I already asked. Love ya!